Yoga for Scleroderma - a worldwide program
As Yoga for Scleroderma has evolved and grown and received more demand, Kathy has established a continuing education course with the intention of properly educating and certifying yoga teachers to work with Scleroderma patients. As all of Kathy's work on this project was born out of the principals and techniques utilized in the method established by Sonia Sumar, it is only fitting that this Yoga for Scleroderma certification be offered as continuing education under under Yoga for the Special Child.
Trainings are held at least once a year in Reno, Nevada, with other trainings as requested worldwide.
Today there are numerous Yoga for Scleroderma Teachers internationally.
In the summer of 2017, Yoga for Scleroderma was fortunate to add Lori Pierce to the roster. Lori is a certified yoga instructor AND actually has Scleroderma. A first! This collaboration has been value added to Yoga for Scleroderma with new props, ideas, methods and on the fly problem solving thinking that will continue to make yoga accessible for more Scleroderma (and other chronically afflicted patients) in the future.
You can read about that collaboration on our first blog post.